Work From Home: 9 Top Tips To Find Remote Jobs Fast

Work From Home: 9 Top Tips To Find Remote Jobs Fast


In light of current events, working from home is becoming an increasingly more practical and safe way of working. With so many of you facing job uncertainty and financial difficulties due to the coronavirus outbreak, we are here to help you find a remote job fast. We will help you to prepare the best job search tools to find the perfect work from home opportunity, by advising you about the best ways to find work from home opportunities today!  


Remote working has always been particularly appealing work style, especially to those of you who love to travel and of course, for those independent workers. The freedom you have to roam the world and to earn an income from pretty much anywhere is a luxury in itself and remote work is becoming more and more popular thanks to the speed in which the digital world is developing. 


What to prepare:


1. Prepare a winning CV 


First things first, to get any kind of job, you need to have an updated, detailed and optimised CV. Considering that you are looking for remote work, you need to do your very best to sell yourself through your CV. First of all, start your CV with an engaging summary, outlining your professional experience and why you are looking for a digital job.


Next, it’s important to include relevant keywords related to your industry throughout the work experience section of your CV. As always, qualifications must be present to show the recruiter or employer that you are qualified for the role they are advertising. Last but not least, include clickable links to any online resources and portfolios that show off your skill sets. 


Extra tip: Make sure you get an expert opinion on your CV before you send it off, thankfully, we have an amazing CV review service from TopCV for you to use for free! 



2. Consider making a video CV


Depending on the type of remote jobs you are looking for, you may be asked to submit a video CV. For some industries, this has become the next big thing. Helping recruiters and HR teams get a clear insight into who you are, what your personality is like, your communication skills and how you present yourself.


A video interview is extremely beneficial for those of us who may lack written communication skills and are much more comfortable communicating verbally. Not only is it a great way to show off your personality to the employer - submitting a video CV will help you to stand out against other candidates. 


Extra tip: This depends on the industry you are applying for, for instance, a well-written CV will work best for a content writer and a CV with a slick, modern design will benefit a Graphic Designer. 


3. Work on your online portfolio


Hiring a remote employee requires a considerable amount of trust and as your manager won’t be working with you directly, they need evidence and work samples to show that you are capable of doing the requested work. Before you begin your remote job hunt, we recommend creating your website or building an online portfolio, where you can showcase your previous work and your digital skills. 


Extra tip: Preparing these before your job search will hopefully speed up your hiring process, some companies won’t request a test project from you due to your work samples.  


The best blog showcasing sites: 


The best design portfolio sites:


Sites to show off your Marketing skills:



4. Prepare for a video interview


As some of you have been told to stay at home during the coronavirus outbreak, video interviews will most soon be the most common form of interview taking place right now. As we are a job board that promotes relocation and job opportunities across Europe, we are more than familiar with the ins and outs of video interviews. For some of you, this might feel like a strange and unusual interview technique. 


But just because the interview is conducted via a video call, it doesn’t mean it’s less important or less formal. You still need to contribute a significant amount of preparation and motivation. Just like a face-to-face interview you should: complete research on the company, dress for success (no pajamas), display good body language and eye contact, practice answering common interview questions beforehand and last but not least, prepare relevant questions to ask at the end of your Skype interview. 


Extra tip: Make sure that you test your microphone and camera beforehand. Try doing a skype interview with a friend to make sure. 


Now it's time to discover the best ways to find a remote job:



5. Direct emailing & calling 


Due to the unfortunate events that are taking place, some companies will be working at a much slower pace than usual, which means they may have more time to respond to emails and phone calls. Take advantage of this quieter period by emailing HR teams directly and offer your services as a remote worker. Although some companies may have put their hiring on hold, they may appreciate your efforts and keep you in mind for future home-based opportunities. 


Now you are spending more time at home, you have more time to pick up the phone and get in touch with hiring companies. Instead of submitting an application online and hoping for the best, you can be more proactive in your remote job search.


Do some investigating beforehand and work out who the best person to speak to is (you can do this by searching LinkedIn for hiring managers!). Be confident, let them know that you are interested in the remote position advertised and ask if you can send your CV directly to them. By picking up the phone and speaking to them directly, you demonstrate a keen interest in the position. 



6. Job boards 


Well, we don’t mean to brag but job boards are one of the most effective ways to find a remote job. You can search on niche remote job boards and also on more general job boards too. When using more generic job boards to search for remote opportunities, you may find that you have less competition and you can come across some more unique opportunities than what you find on specialised remote job boards. 


7. Recruitment specialists 


As we always recommend to any job seeker, you can benefit from using a recruiter to find any kind of job, they provide amazing support and assistance with your job search. Just like job boards, some recruiters specialise in remote and work-from-home opportunities, so this can be a great way to find opportunities.


Some clients refrain from posting their job adverts online, so you may even come across a recruiter who has some exciting opportunities that you can’t find online. 


8. Social media 


Using social media to search for jobs is a technique that is often overlooked but it can be an extremely effective way of discovering remote work and work-from-home opportunities. Before you get started, make sure you have cleaned up your social media - now is the time to do it.


Privatise your profile and if you don’t mind letting go, delete any photos and posts that may be deemed unprofessional. Nowadays, most recruiters like to have a look at your social media profile before they make a hiring decision and as you are looking for a remote job, your digital presence counts more than anything! 



9. Professional networking


Networking is by far the best way to secure a job. Work on your professional networking profiles and start connecting with all relevant contacts in your industry - either during face-to-face or online events. 


Connect with recruiters, career advisers, influencers, follow your favorite companies and start building that network. Although all of the contacts may not be relevant right now, the connections you make now may be advantageous in the future. 


We hope our 9 key tips will help you to find your dream home-based job. Some of you may have more time to spend at home, so use this time to prepare your online portfolio and work on your digital presence, make the most out of this quieter period and find the best opportunities online. As we said, times are hard and it’s important to stay motivated and to treat an event like this as an opportunity rather than a crisis.


As some of you may feel demotivated and concerned, discover how the coronavirus will affect your job search and how you can overcome it. Would you like to share any more tips? Leave a comment!


Feeling inspired? Visit our blog for more career advice! How can you be sure the information we provide is top-notch? We are a group of professionals working with recruiters, career coaches, and HR specialists from all over the world! 

Trust our experience and let us help you find a new job in Europe!


remote jobs work from home