4 Reasons Networking Is Important For Your Career

4 Reasons Networking Is Important For Your Career


Networking may be the worst nightmare for those of you with a fear of public speaking, or those who aren't fans of approaching strangers. However, networking is one of the most crucial parts of your job-seeking process. Here are the main reasons why:


1.    Build long-term business relationships

With life becoming as busy as it is nowadays, where are the places you can meet people for business purposes – any ideas? Except for your workplace? That´s right, at all those seminars and business networking events that you keep getting invited to and keep avoiding at all costs. 


Who goes to these events – successful business people, recruiters, business owners of small to large businesses, entrepreneurs. One of them might be the connection, that missing link you need to send your professional career in an upward spiral. Someone with better access to investors, knows hedge funds, or your new business partner is waiting for you there. Chances are, the valuable connections you make there will help you in your long-term business endeavours.



2.    Climb the career ladder

Networking events can be the best source of industry knowledge that you can get your hands on. The people you will meet there are from your industry, or at least one you are interested in. They can give you invaluable insights into industry trends or tips on finding a job in that specific industry, by sharing their experience with you. Think of it as a learning tool; if you approach it the right way, it will help you go that step further up on the career ladder.



3.    Start up your business 


The difference between successful entrepreneurs and ones whose ideas went down the drain? Networking or lack of it. 


For those of you who want to start your own business, communication is key. The connections you build earlier on will decide the faith of your business later on – investors, companies looking for partners, or just simply a pool of new ideas, networking events are simply a must for entrepreneurs.



4.    Improve future job search 


Networking is a recipe for great personal branding. From the connections you make to the industry knowledge you soak up, to the tips and tricks you learn from industry specialists, to the way you learn to present and carry yourself with confidence, networking will help improve your personal and professional skills,, improving your future job search.

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